Network Analysis for Electric Circuits
Network Analysis for electric circuits are the different useful techniques related to several currents , emfs , and resistance voltages in such circuit. This is somewhat the collection of techniques of finding the voltages and currents in every component of the network. Some of those techniques are already mentioned in this online tutorial of Electrical Engineering. Kirchhoff''s Voltage Law or KVL Kirchhoff''s Current Law or KCL There are six remaining useful techniques that we are going to learn. The practical example of each analysis will be given in my next post. This is for you to comprehend first what each theory is all about. So, let's begin the first useful technique in analyzing network. Thevenin's Theorem Consider the figure below which schematically represents the two-terminal network of constant emf's and resistances; a high-resistance voltmeter, connected to the accessible terminals, will indicate the so called open circuit voltage v oc . If a...