Touch Alarm circuit

This is touch alarm circuit.Here I have used very common Ic NE555 And common parts.Then easily you can make your circuit.You can attach this circuit for your door lock or for any other metal part.If some one touched that metal part the alarm will start to ring.You can use this circuit as a security circuit.Even you can attach this circuit for your fence.


# Transistor 2N3904
# Diode 1N4004
# IC LM555
# Relay
# Resistor 56 K
# Resistor 100 K
# Resistor 10 M
# Resistor 220 K
# Capacitor 47 uF at 16 V
# Capacitor 33 uF at 16 V
# Potentiometer 100 K


# This circuit operates with 6V battery
#Connect touch pad to the metal plate of your main door or fence


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