Security system for doors

This is a security circuit diagram.If someone cross the LED beem.The circuit will be activated.Here I have used red LED insted of the LED you can use Lazer beem too.You can connect a light or 230V alarm for this circuit.but dont pass 500W.If you want more bulbs you can attach them parallely.


Q1___________BC327 45V 800mA PNP Transistor

Q2___________BC337 45V 800mA NPN Transistor

C1_____________10nF 63V Polyester Capacitor

D1_________TIC106D 400V 5A SCR

D2-D5_______1N4007 1000V 1A Diodes

R1_____________Photo resistor (any type)

R2____________100K 1W Resistor

R3____________200K 1/2W Trimmer Cermet

R4,R7_________470R 1/4W Resistors

R5_____________12K 1/4W Resistor

R6______________1K 1/4W Resistor

SK1__________Female Mains socket

PL1__________Male Mains plug & cable


# PL1 can be omitted and the input mains supply wires connected in parallel to any switch controlling lamps. In this case, if the switch is left open, the circuit will be able to drive the lamps; if the switch is closed, the lamps will illuminate and the circuit will be by-passed.

# When ths circuit operates don't touch the parts

# Due to 230 This is not suitable for kids.


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