
Showing posts from February, 2016

Creating my own TV Tuner IR remote with a PIC16F684

While I was home this winter, I saw that the remote for our TV tuner was damaged physically, causing the buttons to not function responsively. Some of them just didn't work. I saw this as an opportunity for a fun couple days' project to build a new remote controller for the tuner. The TV tuner was manufactured by a brand name RealView and, as expected, I couldn't find much detail about it. Thus, I had to reverse engineer the remote. From my previous experience in working with IR remotes, I had a hunch that the IR was most likely modulated at ~38kHz or ~56kHz. For those of you who don't know how this works, I highly recommend going through this website: Thus, I connected a 38kHz IR receiver I had at home (TSOP1738) to an oscilloscope in order to figure out what IR protocol is used by the remote. Upon pressing the 4 key on the remote, I saw the following waveform: Fig. 1: Oscilloscope waveform capture of the received IR signal Note...