
Showing posts from August, 2015

PIC32 Tic-Tac-Toe: Demonstration of using touch-screen, TFT and the Protothreads threading library

I had previously used the Adafruit TFT display using my library (ported from the Adafruit Arduino library). I decided to optimize the library to improve drawing speed. The same display I use comes with a 4-wire resistive touch-screen as well. I decided to write a simple library for the touch-screen and give Protothreads a try. To incorporate all this, I thought it would be cool if I used these to make a simple game. Tic-tac-toe came to mind as a fun little demo. I'm sure everyone's familiar with the game so I won't explain the rules there. The touch-screen is simply two resistive sheets placed on top of each other on top of the TFT screen. When it is pressed down at a given place, the two sheets make contact and a voltage divider is formed. Using the IO's and the ADC, this voltage is read in the X and Y directions to register a touch. Here is a very good pictorial depiction of the resistive touch screen (taken from the Atmel AVR341 document ): So in order to...