I've been testing the PIC32 DMA recently. The PIC32 has a DMA (direct memory access) module that allows the data transfer in the PIC32 without CPU intervention during data transfer - thus freeing up CPU to perform other tasks while the data is transferred). First, I did a simple test to just see if it works (I've also done some DMA timing testing - I'll talk about them soon in another article). The first test was to just use the DMA module to transfer data from a constant array (from FLASH) to PORTA (LATA for output). This would be visually seen as LEDs connected to PORTA blinking. The code is: //================================ /*************************************************** * Programmer: Syed Tahmid Mahbub * Target PIC: PIC32MX250F128B * * Date: 05/08/2014 - 05/10/2014 * * Program to test DMA operation * DMA will transfer const (from FLASH) to PORTA ***************************************************/ #include "plib.h" ...