
Showing posts from December, 2010

Simple Flaher Circuit Diagram (24V)

This is a simple flasher circuit diagram.Some people can't use normal circuit diagrams due to 24V batteries of there Vehicles.Here I Have introduced 24V circuit diagram for you all.Here I have used simple circuit diagram.It is multivibrator circuit .Here I have used famous transistor 2N3055. Note # Build this circuit on a PCB # This circuit can be operated with 18V-24V

Blinking LED Circuit Diagram

This is a blinking LED circuit diagram.Here I have used common IC NE555.If you want to change the speed of this circuit you can change the value of R2.Then you can do that. Note * Use a PCB to build this circuit * You can operate this circuit with 9V

Electric Shock - Save Yourselves!

Its been a long time when I post my last topic here in Learn Electrical Engineering for Beginners . Although the author of this blog is very busy with his life, he's trying to make a post in order to feed his readers with good information. It's Christmas time! We're expecting that everyone is busy preparing to celebrate this holiday season. In connection to this, accidents are also very prone this holiday season. There are fires, car accidents and a lot more. One of the topic that I would like to stress now is related to my blog which is Electric/Electrical Shocks which is one of the common accident this Christmas Season. Electric/Electrical Shock is the injury caused by an electrical current passing through the body. The electricity maybe atmospheric (lightning) or man-made (high-voltage transmission and low-voltage lines). Possible injuries include burns and physiological disturbances, which may range from a minor burn to death in severe cases. What are the common causes?...

Digital thermometer with LM35 and PIC18F452

This can be a complete project on its own - a simple DIY digital thermometer with LCD display and only a handful of parts - the PIC18F452, LM35 and a small number of resistors and capacitors running off a regulated 5v supply. Temperature range - 0 to 150'C Display type - LCD (can be 16x1, 16x2 or anything larger) Controller: PIC18F452 Programming Language: BASIC Compiler: mikroBASIC PRO for PIC v3.20 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''...

Digital thermometer with LM35 and PIC16F88

This can be a complete project on its own - a simple DIY digital thermometer with 7-segment displays and only a handful of parts - the PIC16F88, LM35 and a small number of resistors and capacitors running off a regulated 5v supply. Temperature range - 0 to 150'C Display type - 3 digit multiplexed 7 segment or 3 individual 7 segments Controller: PIC16F88 Programming Language: BASIC Compiler: mikroBASIC PRO for PIC v3.20 Complete code: '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''...

Single microcontroller based 12v to 230v inverter with intelligent battery charging

 Single microcontroller based 12v to 230v inverter with intelligent battery charging (Made by me) Here I describe the circuit as: *single microcontroller/controller (ATMEGA16/32) *no op-amps, only chips are the micro, opto-couplers and regulator (7805) *low-battery/overload/short-circuit protection *thyristor controlled battery charger, using the MOSFET body diode as the AC-DC rectifier *charger maintains the battery voltage (top) between 13.2-13.5v (adjustable) to maximize the battery life *6-LED display *Only 93 parts in entire control circuit *Delay between switchover to prevent inrush current The method used here, described for those who may benefit from it: -Initialize all ports and peripherals[ADC, Timers, Compare Modules] -Initialize interrupts for Timer0 and compare module for -For PWM, use Timer1 and 16-bit Phase and Frequency Correct PWM mode so the PWM runs completely on the hardware level without need for interaction to keep it running -The AVR senses whether mains is p...

Basic Theory on AVR Timer0

To start off with, the formulae relating duty cycle, frequency and time period is: f=1/T, D=t/T where D is duty cycle, T is time period, t is on time, f is frequency Vo = D * Vin, where Vo = average voltage output from AVR pin, D = duty cycle, Vin = Supply Voltage, eg 5v The output voltage here is in the form of pulses not a complete analog value. Eg. When frequency is 100Hz, duty cycle is 50% and supply voltage to AVR is 5v, then output from AVR pin is 2.5v. However, this does not mean that the output will be 2.5v DC. The output will be a pulsating output with frequency = 100Hz, 50% on, 50% off, with high state or on state voltage = 5v, low state or off state voltage = 0v. Therefore output = 2.5v, but actually 5v with 50% on and 50% off. This CAN be converted to pure DC by placing an RC or LC filter, which will convert the pulsating DC to a clean fixed DC voltage. I will refer to ATMEGA8 for example, as this seems to be one of the most popular AVRs. T...

Simple Christmas star from multivibrator Circuit Diagram

This is so simple circuit But you can use this circuit as a Christmas star.Here I have used famous transistor 2N3904.If you are unable to find this transistor you can use D400 instead of that.This circuit operates with 9V.I used this circuit for the last Christmas If you used Blue color LED s It would give inexpressible attraction. Note # If you want to change the speed of this circuit You can do it by changing the values of 10uf and 100k # This circuit can be operated with 9V power supply # Fix this circuit on a pcb